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An Eclectic Blog

An older woman's wise ramblings about stuff.

© Copyright
It's All About Me

I just started writing one day - on Facebook, of all places - and found I had a great deal of profound things to share. And so I decided to do what any self-absorbed, post-menopausal woman with too much time on her hands should do; I decided to start a blog.

I am retired - not entirely by choice. That may become a topic for a blog later down the road. I live with my lovely wife, three dogs, two cats and a snake. We are quite ordinary folk. We live in a rural community in Eastern Ontario and generally mind our own business.

I like to cook, take long walks in the woods and take pictures. I may share some recipes and photos - though it is unlikely I will share photos of recipes. Many people do that already and I will not likely join the masses. I am what might be known as a radical (or lesser radical), lesbian, feminist. I do, however, have a sense of humour.


I like to rant on occasion. I like to wax poetic and/or philosophic. One just never knows what I may say. I hope you enjoy my musings.


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