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Weather Report - Such as it is

It was a beautiful day yesterday - sunny, warm. There was a pileated woodpecker out back! They are in the area but not usually in our back yard. I was so excited to see him. And the little red squirrel was out cavorting among the red-winged blackbirds. Starlings were fighting over the was simply lovely and I was again so grateful that I live in this very beautiful part of the world. I had a lot to do yesterday - mainly getting bottles ready for wine bottling last night...Yes, I washed my feet - we were not making Riesling (apologies to Riesling lovers)! And so I pledged, quietly, lest I work the dogs into a frenzy, that I would take the darlings out for a nice long walk along the river tomorrow - or, as I write this, today.

Which brings me back to...WTF????? I have awakened, yet again, to fu%*ing SNOW????? I look out the window and see about 3 inches thus far and it is falling heavily.

I do not like it. No I don't. I will not shovel. No I won't. I do not like it on my street. I do not like it on my feet. I do not like it on my head. I do not like it in my bed. I do not like it on my dogs. I do not like it on the logs. I do not like it on the walls. I DO NOT LIKE THIS SNOW AT ALL.

The End.

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