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I am tired. Exhausted, really.

I am tired of ranting. I am tired of having to rant. I am tired of there being so much to rant about.

Eleven Jews were murdered whilst praying yesterday. They were murdered by a man who believed he was superior to them. They were murdered by a man who believed they were a threat to him and his country and his way of life. The average age of the victims was 74 years old. Some of the victims had lived through the Holocaust. They lived through the Holocaust. To be murdered in the US. Because they were Jews.

This, the latest example among many, is what is happening in this world. In my world. I am not smug enough to ignore that similar things are happening here - in Canada. That people are being demonized because they are the "other".

When did being the "other" become such a reviled thing to be?

When did we go from love and acceptance to hateful rhetoric promoting violence towards everyone that was different?

When did our leaders decide it was okay to lead the campaign of hatred and violence?

When did we decide it was okay to elect these kinds of leaders.? And support them? And follow them blindly?

When did we decide that our religions blessed this kind of violence and hatred?

When does this all end? When we are all dead? Because, if one looks closely enough, we are all the "other". I am reminded of Niemöller's poem, "First they came..."; we will all be someone's target some day. Until someone stops it. Until someone says "Enough!".

Will someone step up to stop it? Anyone?

I am tired.

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