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I am One with the Earth

I am One with everything in and of the Earth

I am One with the Universe

I send my Roots deep within the Earth

I am Warm

I am Safe

I am Loved.

This is my Prayer. This is my grounding. I am part of a greater Wholeness. A One-ness. I am part of every other living being. I am part of every living thing. I am part of all that is Nature. All of what is Nature is part of me.

I am Divine just as every other part of the Earth is Divine.

I have no gods and goddesses. All of the Earth is my Goddess. All of the Universe is my Goddess.

I honour the Earth.

I honour everything in and of the Earth.

I honour the Universe.

I feel Joy when She feels Joy.

I feel Pain when She feels Pain.

I Weep when She weeps.

I laugh when She laughs.


For Her abundance.

For Her diversity.

For her forgiveness.

For Her Love.


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