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Anger and Grief

It's been 3 days since the worst mass murder in US modern history. I am bereft. I would say I have no words but I do...

Many are claiming this is not a time for politics. I disagree. Strongly. This is a particularly good time for politics. This time, when a nation is grieving, we can say, "Stop!". Stop the senseless murders of your children, your youth, your women, your men. Stop voting for politicians who give in to gun lobbyists who line their pockets.

To those who proclaim it is their Second Amendment rights I say read it and understand it.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The Second Amendment was ratified in 1791. The United States, concerned that Britain might invade, needed a Militia. It was necessary to maintain a Militia. Today, in 2017, the US has a rather well-armed military. It is rather unnecessary to arm ordinary citizens to the teeth for the country's protection. The "right to bear arms" was intended to protect a fledgling nation, not to go out and randomly murder innocent women and children.

The Second Amendment does not endorse the right to bear semi-automatic weapons. Likewise, it does not endorse fully-automatic weapons. It does not endorse "silencers" and most certainly does not advocate allowing people who are mentally ill owning weapons. It does not endorse armor-piercing bullets for everyday citizens. And, just in case the NRA decides to get into the nuclear business as well, the Second Amendment does not advocate nuclear weapons for the civilian population.

So far, not including this week's murders, there have been 11,689 gun deaths in the US. In 2016, the total number of deaths by gun violence was 15,079. Many of these deaths were "accidental". We've all heard the stories of children who have gotten hold of their parents' guns and accidentally shot themselves or siblings or friends.

While there are no confirmed numbers, there are thought to be some 300 million guns owned by ordinary citizens in the US. That number is astounding. And outrageous. And it simply must stop. Americans must simply stop killing each other. This is terrorism. Not being safe in the street, in the churches, at a concert, at the movies, at the mall. This is terrorism. And it simply must stop.

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